I remember you, sitting on your potty!

Created by Louise 2 years ago

This is a phrase I heard from my Uncle Keith from my first memories of him!  He teased me about every time he visited us in Suffolk, even when I was well in to my forties and had my own children! But I didn't min really, it was our thing!  Keith was really proud of me for being the first in my family to go to university (he later became number 2!).  He would regularly phone me in Brighton, I suspect to talk to my friend Rita who was from Cyprus and B, who just adored him!  He came to my graduation which is still such a happy memory.

I so admire my Uncle Keith's passion for people, he valued everyone he met, he wanted to make them laugh and he wanted to help.  This is a sentiment I too stand by and one I hope my children will too.  He also enjoyed utter nonsense and silliness, which again is a trait I share!

I will miss you so much Uncle Keith, you've always just been there and it's left a gap in our wee family 💛
